Category: tips

Groups level up by receiving boosts from members or via giveaways. Those who boost the group get an exclusive badge and allow the group to post stories and change its appearance. At higher levels, groups unlock features for all members to use in the chat – like custom emoji and voice transcription.
Every chat has a shared media section on its profile page – simply tap at the top of the chat to open it. The 'Saved' tab contains any messages that you've forwarded to your Saved Messages from that chat.
⭐️ Tags for Saved Messages. Premium users can organize Saved Messages by adding multiple tags to use as search filters. Tags are based on emoji, which you apply by reacting to the message. For more description, you can give tags a name as well – simply hold down on a tag and select ‘Set Name’.
The View as Chats mode in Saved Messages lets you see a list of chats from which you’ve forwarded messages. Each chat contains all the messages you saved from other users, groups, and channels. When viewing as chats, you can pin chats in any order – and the app will remember […]
⭐️ Private Message Permissions. Premium users can select who is able to send them messages – either Everyone or My Contacts and Premium Users. When enabled, users who aren't contacts or don't have Premium can't start chats with you – but can reply if you message them first.
⭐️ One-Way Last Seen and Read Times. Users who hide their read time aren’t able to see read times from other users. Except with Telegram Premium – which allows you to hide your read time and still see the read times ofusers who share theirs with you. If a user hides their read time, it is […]
In 1-on-1 chats, you can see the exact time when your message was opened. Read times have granular privacy settings, based on the settings for your Last Seen status. To protect privacy, all read times are only visible for 7 days before being deleted.
One-time voice and video messages can't be paused and can't be opened more than once. The message will play until it finishes, or until you tap 'Close and Delete' – vanishing with a beautiful animation.
While recording any voice or video message you can pause and then resume recording later – without having to start over. To pause recording, swipe up and tap the pause button. To resume recording, tap the microphone🎤or camera 📷 icon.
The view-once setting can also be used for voice and video messages – after being played, the message is automatically deleted. To set a message as view-once, swipe up to lock recording and then tap the view-once ⏲️ icon.
Calling another user lets you talk, turn on your camera or share your screen – all protected by end-to-end encryption. Calls are available on every platform – to call a user, simply open their profile and tap the 📞 call button.
Photos from your gallery can be placed on top of stories to create custom scenes or memes. For a seamless edit, you can remove the background from photos by tapping 'Cut Out'.