Stickers and emoji are sorted by categories like 👍❤️🎉💤 to quickly find the right emotion, reaction or status. When browsing in the emoji panel, hold any emoji to zoom in for a closer look – with buttons to copy, send, or set the emoji as your status. Stickers and emoji can also be […]
🌟 Real-Time Translation. Premium users can tap to translate entire chats, dynamically updating as they scroll. When browsing chats with text in a different language than your interface, a translation bar will appear – which also gives quick access to your translation settings. All users can enable translation, adding a dedicated button for individual messages.
All users can turn animated emoji and stickers into custom profile pictures for their account, groups or channels. On desktop or mobile, choose ‘Set Emoji’ when adding a profile photo to design your picture – with infinite options for emoji and backgrounds. Like other photos, you can set or suggest emoji pictures […]
Admins of groups with 100+ members can hide the member list to give participants more privacy. If members are hidden, only admins will be listed on the group’s info page. If an admin is anonymous, they will not be included in the list. To hide the member list, go to the […]
Telegram’s privacy settings give users full control over their visibility, including who is able to see their profile photos. Adding any restrictions or exceptions for your profile photo unlocks the option to set a public photo that will be shown to everyone that can’t see your main one. To change who can […]
Photos and videos you take can be suggested to contacts, letting them add it to their profile in two taps. Suggested photos become the user’s main profile photo – if you want to set something personal, you can replace their photo instead.
The profile photos of your contacts are replaceable – you can set another photo or video for them that only you will see. To replace a contact's photo, open their Profile > Edit > Set Photo for Contact. You can also suggest them a profile photo.
Telegram needs zero extra space to run on your device. You can clear cached media from your phone, while keeping it in your chats – ready to be re-downloaded at any time. Just head to Settings > Data and Storage > Storage Usage and try one (or all 💪) of these options: 1) […]
Drawings, text, stickers, shapes and more can be added to both photos and videos in the media editor. The default brush automatically smooths your lines and changes width based on drawing speed. Other tools let you draw arrows, add a blur effect or erase. Text has various font and background options – and all […]
Photos and videos can be sent with a shimmering spoiler effect in any chat – hiding the contents until your recipient taps to view it. To apply spoiler effects, select your media in the 📎attachment menu, tap ➕ or ➕ and Hide With Spoiler. You can also apply the same spoiler effect to […]
Any user can quickly share their contact info with others by generating a QR code from the Settings page. If you don’t have a username and hide your phone number from everyone, the QR codes you generate will be temporary – working for just a few minutes. Temporary QR codes never share […]
You can see how much space each chat is using on your device and clear the media of individual chats from your cache, filtered by file type. Clearing your cache does not delete any messages or media from your chats – they stay in the chat history, ready to re-download when you need […]